Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bloggus Interruptus

Hi guys!  I hope you haven't given up on me and the little blog that could!  I've had a little drama in my life lately and have been unable to post for awhile.  Wanted to fill you in as much as I can, and hopefully I am back on track now and will be able to get some posts rolling again!

I started getting sick a couple of weeks ago, just not feeling well and had to be out of work for about a week.  I finally went to the doctor to get checked out, turns out I had an abcess that was extremely infected and painful.  The doctor's office immediately made arrangements to send me across the street to the hospital and there I stayed for almost a week.

I received IV antibiotics, and thought I was going to have to have surgery but we tried some other therapies that worked well and kept me out of surgery.  I was released on Saturday and have been recovering and trying to adjust to being back home ever since. 

I got sick before I could do any christmas decorating, or do the rest of my christmas shopping.  It really sucks to not have my house decorated, I don't feel like it's Christmas right now.  I'm going to have to trust my hubby (yikes!) with the rest of the shopping.  I suppose a detailed list will be in order for him. 

I've had to apply for my short term disability for work so I'll still get paid, I'll be out a couple more weeks yet so I'll be stuck in the house recovering during that time.  Ugh....can u say cabin fever???

Anyway, just wanted to fill u guys in on where I've been hiding, I'll have some new posts coming soon.  Looking forward to it, I've missed u!  Take care!


Fox in the City said...

I am so happy that you are at the very least on the road to recovery! What a hellish couple of weeks you have had . . . and I completely understand the stress of having your hubby do the Christmas shopping.

Welcome back to the land of the blogging and take good care of yourself chickie!

Suz and Allan said...

Oh my gosh Karen! That sounds so scary. Thank goodness you didn't have to undergo surgery. Hopefully the rest of your holidays will be less stressful!