I am so super-excited, you guys! I've taken tomorrow afternoon OFF work, which should be exciting enough...but no, there is more!
I'm driving the 1 1/2 hours from Greensboro to Charlotte, NC to Concord Mills Books-A-Million to the book signing for The Bloggess, Jenny Lawson and her book "Let's Pretend This Never Happened."
I am super happy she added a NC city to her tour and that it isn't too far of a drive for me. Well, I live practically in the middle of the state, so chances were good for me.
So, I'm packing up my book and my new metal chicken, Lindsay Lohan and we're headed to Charlotte tomorrow afternoon. (yes of course I have to get Jenny to sign my chicken too, are you nuts?)
It's a race week in Charlotte, which is unfortunate enough traffic-wise but I took a half day vacation for a reason! Planning on getting down there to have a couple hours to bum around the outlets - this is a HUGE outlet mall that is the bom-diggity. If I get tired, there's always the bookstore to chillax in. I just have to watch Li-Lo's alcohol intake, that chicken doesn't know when to say when....she's a damned train wreck.
Anyway, hoping to get lots of pics which I will post for all of you. I'm hoping she will bring Juanita the weasel, Hamlet von Schnitzel, or even one of her new friends (Ermione Granger or even Ron Weaseley the weasel) for us to greet. Somehow I don't expect Beyonce....a 6 foot metal chicken ain't making it past that metal detector.
Jenny just tweeted that Kathryn Stockett (author of The Help) is introducing her in Atlanta tonight. I hope we have someone decent tomorrow night. With Nascar in town, I'm afraid they'll get Dale Jr or Jeff Gordon to introduce her or something.....that's all we freakin need - label all North Carolinians as rednecks. Wish I could go kidnap Uncle Orson (Orson Scott Card) and bring him with me since he lives in Greensboro too. He'd be awesome! (yes, we call Orson Scott Card, Uncle Orson here in Greensboro).
Update #2:
Here's Lindsay Lohan!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Busty Girl Problems:


BTW...I totally do the phone in the bra thing. SO convenient with the boobs!


BTW...I totally do the phone in the bra thing. SO convenient with the boobs!
Monday, May 7, 2012
10 things that happen in an hour

I'm linkin up with Northwest Mommy for the first time for her Monday Listicles. This week's list is to write 10 things that happen in an hour in my day.
I chose 8-9am, it's my first hour at the office - this is what happened today.
1. Whipped my car into the parking lot, dragged my sleepy carcass inside just shy of 8am.
2. Cut on desk lights, computer, unpacked essentials from my bag: lip balm, lotion, medications, cell, change for drink machine, day planner.
3. Opened email and cleared out all the crap. Found umpteen from the same person in Hong Kong about the same thing....again. Cleared out all but one, and answered her. Hoping she'll shut it for the day.
4. Realized the rest of my email required caffeine, so went to make coffee. Drank that in minutes, went in for second cup.
5. Another realization: If I am to make it through this Monday, I needed tunes. Hooked up MP3 player so I'd have jamz all day long. Ahhhhh...music does soothe the savage beast. Or, in this case....me.
6. Dove back into emails, prioritizing those I could answer and delete quickly and those that will take longer. Not many to delete today....shit.
7. Co-worker out again today, guess who is covering 2 desks yet again? Yeah.... Can I call in sick tomorrow?
8. Say a quick prayer for my day....the Serenity Prayer is my go-to.
9. Great, another customer missing product. I hate filling out quality forms! Now we gotta reprint the shit.
10. Looks at clock, calls hubby to hear friendly voice. Realizes it's only 9am and sigh.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Depression lies.....
I follow The Bloggess' blog religously like so many others and while she is hilarious and comes up with the kookiest stuff, I admire her more for her speaking out about her own battles with depression and anxiety disorder. Like millions of other people in this world, I also battle depression and mild anxiety disorder myself, and sometimes it can take you over and put you in a very dark place. On Monday, The Bloggess posted the below video on her blog that I wanted to share below. Remember, depression lies and you are worth being here.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
It's a Zombie Wordless Wednesday!
If you know me for more than about 5 minutes, you will find out that I LOVE all things zombie! I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead, and anytime a zombie movie comes on...I am all over that shit. Resident Evils, any of the "of the Dead" movies (Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, etc.). I am working on my zombie plan dutifully, preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Even got some buds workin on it with me (you know who you are).
So since I'm in a zombie mood today, here's some zombie stuff for ya. Some funny, some crazy, just enjoy!
So since I'm in a zombie mood today, here's some zombie stuff for ya. Some funny, some crazy, just enjoy!
I cannot stress this enough. Calm...and kill zombies. Otherwise I might kill you. LOL!
My zombie weapon of choice - katana sword. Yes I want to be Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, what of it?
Yeah so I'm not exactly ready for it now, a little weight to lose I'll admit. I'll get there dammit!
When all else fails...a shotgun works!
Okay, now some funny shit!
I totally need this shirt
Follow Homer into the Zombie Apocalypse? Hell no
Oh no, not the Ewoks!
Of course I had to have a Walking Dead one.
Oh Lorie, you big ole hoebag. Keep em closed dude.
I hope you die soon. (haven't gotten that far in the comic
so I don't know and don't tell me!)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I'm hooking up with Whispering Writer over at Airing my Dirty Laundry for "Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!"
It's okay that I'm in a bit of a blogging-block right now, that's what these hookups are for!
It's okay that the weather is so pretty here...but I am kinda sick of the pollen. It's a gross yellow dust all over everything! Blech!
It's okay that I am WAYYY excited that we finally have a Whole Foods here! Don't laugh at me....this is a big deal for us country people. I've been over there a couple of times, and other than the chicken caesar wrap that made me sick, it's great! I am all over the herbal teas, yo.
It's okay that I am getting laid off in a little less than 5 months and I haven't started getting my resume together. I've started a profile on LinkedIn, so at least that's something! It's called networking people, get a clue! :)
It's okay that I am obsessed with Peppermint herbal tea. I've been having some tummy issues recently, (good old IBS, right?) plus I won a Libre Tea mug from a blog giveaway. Peppermint tea is good for upset tummies, and it's delish! Mmmm! Plus, I am LOVING this mug!
That's all I've got for now. Got a couple of book reviews coming your way, not gonna tell you what books...that would ruin the surprise!
Peace and Serenity
It's okay that I'm in a bit of a blogging-block right now, that's what these hookups are for!
It's okay that the weather is so pretty here...but I am kinda sick of the pollen. It's a gross yellow dust all over everything! Blech!
It's okay that I am WAYYY excited that we finally have a Whole Foods here! Don't laugh at me....this is a big deal for us country people. I've been over there a couple of times, and other than the chicken caesar wrap that made me sick, it's great! I am all over the herbal teas, yo.
It's okay that I am getting laid off in a little less than 5 months and I haven't started getting my resume together. I've started a profile on LinkedIn, so at least that's something! It's called networking people, get a clue! :)
It's okay that I am obsessed with Peppermint herbal tea. I've been having some tummy issues recently, (good old IBS, right?) plus I won a Libre Tea mug from a blog giveaway. Peppermint tea is good for upset tummies, and it's delish! Mmmm! Plus, I am LOVING this mug!
That's all I've got for now. Got a couple of book reviews coming your way, not gonna tell you what books...that would ruin the surprise!
Peace and Serenity
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